Jack Dikian
December 2010
As I was trying to fall asleep last night – I thought about a thought experiment that I’ve gone back to over and over again. In fact, since I was a boy. Rocketing away in a spaceship and looking back at my house, my street, my suburb and friends.
After a while, they become scarcely distinguishable and not much more than mere inhabitants, faceless beings without person or form. I’ve always felt I’m taking away with me the knowledge of the frequent earth-born misunderstandings, the eagerness of people to kill one another, their hatreds, imagined self-importance, and the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe as this tiny pale blue home disappeared in the vastness of the countless stars.
As I got older and learned more about cosmology and exotic phenomena such as black holes, I would wounder how it would be if trapped in a black hole. And overtime, I’d wonder if there was a way to let my friends know what I once knew. Is the knowledge (actually information) I’m carrying destroyed as gravitational forces pull me apart?
Conservation of information in quantum mechanics
Quantum mechanics incorporates a principle that information about a system is encoded in its wave function, and that the evolution of the wave function is determined by a unitary operator implying that information is conserved (in the quantum sense). Here, quantum determinism, and reversibility are at play.
Any deterministic time reversible theory must conserve information and the evolution of the wave function satisfies this. However, whenever an observation is made it would seem that new information is created, and reconciling this, with the absolute conservation of information in the physical universe is not necessarily straight forward.
Causality of information as a subjective human interaction of the mind may be the source of common confusion. A mind act has no information momentum to transfer to the system. A momentum change as a cause of observation was/is always the physical meaning of information. A change in system as an observation then allows the effect of all as information conservation.
Black Holes and Singularities Acting As Sinks
In the 1970s, Stephen Hawking showed that black holes evaporate by quantum processes. He also asserted that information, such as the identity of matter pulled into black holes, is permanently lost thus challenging a fundamental tenet of quantum mechanics - information cannot be lost. Hawking renounced the idea later but unable, as other weren’t able, to show the mechanism for how information might escape a black hole.
More recently, a team of physicists at Penn State, led by Abhay Ashtekar (and his collaborators, Victor Taveras, a graduate student in the Penn State Department of Physics, and Madhavan Varadarajan, a professor at the Raman Research Institute in India) announced they have shown a mechanism by which information can be recovered from black holes. They say their findings expand space-time beyond its assumed size, thus providing room for information to reappear.
To explain the issue, Ashtekar used an analogy from Alice in Wonderland. "When the Cheshire cat disappears, his grin remains," he said. "We used to think it was the same way with black holes. Hawking's analysis suggested that at the end of a black hole's life, even after it has completely evaporated away, a singularity, or a final edge to space-time, is left behind, and this singularity serves as a sink for unrecoverable information."
The researchers suggest that singularities do not exist in the real world and "Information only appears to be lost because we have been looking at a restricted part of the true quantum-mechanical space-time". Once you consider quantum gravity, then space-time becomes much larger and there is room for information to reappear in the distant future on the other side of what was first thought to be the end of space-time."
To conduct their studies, the team used a two-dimensional model of black holes to investigate the quantum nature of real black holes, which exist in four dimensions. That's because two-dimensional systems are simpler to study mathematically. But because of the close similarities between two-dimensional black holes and spherical four-dimensional black holes, the team believes that this approach is a general mechanism that can be applied in four dimensions.